Tournament Rules Summary
- The tournament will be played over a two week period beginning April 1st and ending on Tuesday April 14th.
- All tournament registrants have been divided into 16 regional groups based on grade and gender.
- Games for each regional group were generated in a blind draw. Some additional considerations were taken for group size with less than 8 players (fine print later in this document).
- During the first week of the tournament, a single game elimination style tournament will be played to determine regional winners.
- Most regions will have 3 games (opening round, regional semis, and regional finals)
- Regional winners will advance to the parish wide March Madness Sweet 16 tournament
- Seedings for the Sweet 16 tournament will be determined by the scores and scoring streaks from the regional finals game. All players will be considered equal and yes a second grader could be paired against an eighth grader and we’re hoping for some Cinderella upsets to make it exciting.
- A game is defined as a virtual free throw contest between two players, where a player takes 10 consecutive free throw shots to achieve the game score. The player with the highest score wins the game.
- Longest streak during the game will be used as a tie breaker when both players score the same number of baskets. A streak is the highest number of consecutive shots made during the 10 shot game. In the event of a continued tie, the game will be replayed in a 4 hour overtime period. Each player will need to submit another game score to break the tie.
- Each round will be open for two days. This to accommodate schedule conflicts, weather conditions etc.
- All game scores must be submitted with a video proof by each round’s scoring deadline. (see “Tournament Dates and Rounds” section for details)
- Scores will be submitted online at hrathletics.com/ftscore. See “Game Score Reporting and Video Guidelines” below. Read the guidelines carefully to ensure that your player doesn’t loose on a technicality.
- Each game must start with the player stating: “My name is _____ and these are my 10 free throws.” and walking up to the free throw line to take the first shot. This must be in the same video take as all 10 shots.
- Each game must end with the player stating “I made __ shots and my longest streak was __”. Outro can be added at the end of the video. No editing or splicing videos to create a 10 shot game. This will help the judges in scoring validations. The ending of the video can be edited in
- Basketball size, hoop height, and free throw line distance will follow CYO’s age group rules. (see “CYO Age Group Guidelines” section below)
- To maintain our social distancing responsibilities, players are not allowed to get together for the game.
- No public basketball courts can be used in the game. Ask a neighbor to use their hoop if you don’t own one.
- All questions about the rules, games, etc can be directed to either Jorge Garayta or Alan Vouk or submit your question here
- Good Luck to all the players and we look forward to some great games and fun!
Tournament Dates and Rounds
Regional Tournament
Opening Round: 4/1 to 4/2 7:00 PM. winners advance to regional semis.
Semi-Finals: 4/3 to 4/4 7:00 PM. winners advance to regional finals
Finals: 4/5 to 4/6 7:00 PM. winners advance to parish wide Sweet 16.
Bye games for players in regions with less than 8 players were determined based on the tournament registration order received.
Regions with 4 players: No opening round games will be played. Only regional semis and finals games will be played.
Regions with 6 players: First two registrations in the group will receive a bye game in the opening round and they will begin play in the regional semi-final round.
March Madness Sweet 16 Tournament
- Seedings for the March Madness Sweet 16 Tournament will be based on scores and streaks from the Regional Finals game
- All score reports are due by 7PM on the last day of the round.
- The following schedule will apply for the Sweet 16 tournament
Sweet 16 – 4/7 to 4/8 7:00 PM
Elite 8 – 4/9 to 4/10 7:00 PM
Final Four – 4/11 to 4/14 7:00 PM
Finals – 4/15 6:00 PM
CYO Age Group Guidelines
- The shooting distance for the tournament is measured from the front edge of the backboard to the designated throw line. Please take a tape measure to ensure proper and legal distance. Walking off the distance from the hoop will not be accurate.
2nd Grade Boys and Girls: B-Ball Size: 27.5 | FT Line: 10 ft | Hoop Height: 8 ft (ish)
3/4 Grade Boys and Girls: B-Ball Size: 28.5 | FT Line: 15 ft | Hoop Height: 10 ft
4/5 Grade Boys and Girls: B-Ball Size: 28.5 | FT Line: 15 ft | Hoop Height: 10 ft
7/8 Grade Boys: B-Ball Size: 29.5 | FT Line: 15 ft | Hoop Height: 10 ft
7/8 Grade Girls: B-Ball Size: 28.5 | FT Line: 15 ft | Hoop Height: 10 ft
Game Score Reporting Guidelines
- Each player must report the score and submit the video for each game played using the score report form found at www.hratheltics.com/ftscore
- Remember that all videos and rounds must contain the correct intro and outro to be considered a valid game score. See “Video Recording Guidelines” section below.
- Only one score report per game will be accepted. Multiple report submissions will be discarded with only the first report submitted used for scoring. If you made an error, go ahead and re-submit the correct video and provide context for the error in the comments section of the scoring form. Judges reserve the right to reject any re-submitted reports that are not deemed reasonable.
- Game scores are due by 7 PM on the second day of each round of play. No late game score reports will be accepted. If the score report is not received by the deadline, a score of 0 will be recorded for that player and game. If some unusual circumstances arise, please go ahead and submit the score anyway and provide us the reason in the comments section on the form. Note – bribes will be accepted and may help in the review process.
- All submitted video may be used in highlight reels that will be compiled throughout the tournament and made available on social media. If you do not wish your video to be used in these video compilations, please check the “Do not use my video for public use” on the score report form. We respect everyone’s privacy and the consent for public use of the video is NOT a requirement to participate in the tournament. Just be sure to check the appropriate box on the scoring form.
- Note that score reporting requires a google account. If you do not have gmail, gmail hosted email, or a google account, you will need to set one up. Note that all HR students have a gmail account for their classroom curriculum. You can use their account or setup a new google account with your own email address without having to setup gmail at the following link: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/27441?hl=en
Video Recording Guidelines
- Each video must start with the player stating: “My name is _____ and these are my 10 free throws.” and walking up to the free throw line to take the first shot. This must be in the same video take as all 10 shots.
- Each video must end with the player stating: “I made __ shots and my longest streak was __”. A streak is the highest number of consecutive shots made during the 10 shot round. This can be added or edited into the video at the end if for some reason you lost count or are unsure of the streak score.
- Each video must be continuous for the duration of the 10 shots including the intro. Outro can be added at the end of the video. No editing or splicing videos to create a 10 shot game. Our panel of judges is highly sophisticated and will use forensic science and artificial intelligence to catch any funny business.
- Both the player and the basketball hoop must be visible in the video frame for the shot to be counted
- Players can add additional intro or outro content if they wish but please limit to 30 seconds max. We welcome flair.
- You will be able to submit any funny outtakes as a separate video on the score reporting form. Please limit those to no more than 30 seconds.
- Please send us the video of the game only with the intro+outro. If you have a video that’s 5 mins long, for instance containing practice shots before the game, edit that part out. Videos will not be accepted where judges have fish through the footage to validate the score.
- As noted previously, all submitted video may be used in highlight reels that will be compiled throughout the tournament and made available on social media. If you do not wish your video to be used in these video compilations, please check the “Do not use my video for public use” on the score reporting form. We respect everyone’s privacy and the consent for public use of the video is NOT a requirement to participate in the tournament. Just be sure to check the appropriate box on the scoring form.
Sweet 16 Tournament Selection Rules
- There are 10 boys and 6 girls regional group winners.
- Sweet 16 Tournament seedings are awarded as follows:
#1 Seeds – 2 boys and 2 girls
#2 & #3 Seeds – 3 boys, 1 girl each
#4 Seeds – 2 boys and 2 girls - Group seedings are determined based on the regional finals score. For players with the same regional finals score, semifinal score is used as the tiebreaker.
- Brackets are divided into official NCAA regions – South, East, Midwest, and West.
- The bracket selection will take place live on Instagram on Tuesday, April 7th @8:00 PM. Check us out at @hrathletics_hrac